The Nate Evans Love and Light Foundation
Nate Evans was a stranger to no one and a friend to everyone. He was a leader, a playmaker, and a creative spirit. He spoke out when he saw injustice, seeking peace for all. He saw the potential in others, believing they could do what they never thought possible.
At the age of 19, Nate became a victim of gun violence, stolen from this earth senselessly and tragically. To honor his life and carry his legacy forward, we formed the Nate Evans Love & Light Foundation.
We wish you could have known him.
“Blessings do not come to you...
Blessings flow through you”
— Nate Evans

Our mission is to promote the passions and causes that were dearest to him, with a focus on:
Fighting systemic injustices | Supporting mental health
Fostering creativity | Building community
Ways you can help support
the mission.
Make a tax-deductible donation to Nate’s Foundation. Submit your contribution information to your Company’s matching gifts program. We’re committed to using your resources to better communities.
Use your voice.
Live and Love like Nate.
Spread love. Check on your friends, open the door for a stranger, empathize with the struggles of those around you.
Pay it forward. Buy someone a cup of coffee, pay the toll of the car behind you, use your resources to make an impact where you are.
How the Foundation has begun to spread love and light:
Partnering with local non-profits that provide mental health support and mentorship to children in underserved communities.
Promoting criminal justice reform and aiding victims of violence.
Providing financial support to grass roots organizations that invest in the lives of our local community and advocate for gun violence prevention.
Supporting community arts programs that offer safe spaces for artistic expression and activism.

Future goals of the Foundation include, but are not limited to:
-Establishing a scholarship for students pursuing areas of interest that align with Nate’s passions
-Working with local artists to create a permanent memorial in the community to honor Nate’s life
-Bridging the racial wealth gap and fostering job creation through supporting minority entrepreneurs and small businesses
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou

Please contact the Foundation via email at: info@nateloveandlightfoundation.org for more information on ways you can spread Nate’s love & light.